April 6, 1898
From JohnVonderlin
Email John ([email protected])
Hi June,
I believe the answer to the mystery or at least some of them are exposed at the end of this article. This is presently an Uncorrected Text version, but is resonably readable. Enjoy John
TO PERISH IN THE SURF Erratic Course of the New York in Half moon Bay. Ugly Comments Made Upon the Cause of the Recent Wreck. Twice Did Captain Thomas Peabody Enter the Reef- Bound Cove. DANGER SIGNS AROUND. Landsmen and Mariner* Mystified Over the Master’s Strange Maneuvers. The wrecking of the ship New York on
the beach near Spanishtown, Halfmoon Bay. has caused no end of gossip among ten and Insurance agents, to say noth- ; ing of the remarks of the people living ‘ a here ti;e big ship went ashore. Not : a few are inclined to be uncharitable and i even ugly in their comments upon the j way Captain Thomas Peabody handled I his vessel during the thirty-six hours b«. fore she was piled up on the beach, a lOML The New York on Saturday “i>n, March 12, was off the Pigeon Point light, eighteen miles south from where she now lies. Although the wind was blowing strong the ship made only eighteen miles headway in twenty-four hours and the next eight hours put her j In the breakers, although according to j the statement of the master he supposed lie was close to the Karallones. Captain Peabody*s story of many of the incidents of the disaster is materially dif- ; ferent from the statements of many of the folks wl • were In the vicinity of the bay. He Bays that the weather was ‘ heavy and thick, while dozens of wit irt that the day and night were as clear as could be asked for. He states that at no time when on the inshore tach., I that led tk> the destruction of the ship,, did he see any lights on the shore or on the water, but the facts are that nearly ai hundred lights ■■■: various kinds glimmered \ over the within a radious of • three miles, !■> say nothing of the Pigeon Point ilght that was visible to those on the steamer Gipsy which lay at anchor Close under Pil!ar Point. More than one person has stated that he believed that the wrecking of the ‘ New York was intentional and not the result of a combination of adverse cir- j
cumstances over which the master of the ship had no control. This belief was i
upon the peculiar manner in which the vessel was handled, almost run upon rocky r.x-f in the afternoon and again back over the same dangerous | • r destruction after the shades j of night had fallen. The insurance men j declare that while they cannot see how t hip couid have been wrecked acci- j dentally, they are unable to iind a motive for destruction. Twice during the fateful day did Cap- ; Peabody run the ship almost upon one of the most dangerous reefs on that
‘ ‘ ‘ . and why he should have ■ the second time is what the peo ple cannot understand. For two uays the New York was closely watched by A. ! Younker, the manager of the Amesport wharf, near the end of the bay, it the small, half-sheltered cove can be so called. In discussing the movements of ship Mr. Younker said: “I noticed the ship on Saturday the day she went 1 i recognised her by her short i tnp had been broken off. ! ■.-.,.- tacking in and out near or norm Ql thy Pigeon i^oint light, and it did not to me that she was very far from (bore. About 12 o’clok on the next day I saw her for the lirst time a con- : siderable distance inside of the reef near ‘ buoy No. 3. The sails were all up, but there were no sisris of distress and a number oi us wondered why the captain should take his ship Into such a danger- ; to hang up there ‘ I then turn and go south ! wind and next put out to sea I I think the ship must have gone out ‘ twenty miles, for at -sundown we could just make her out. As the Gipsy haa tune and anchored in the cove 1 g light out at the end of the ‘ warehouse, as 1 always dv when the htean er is in the cove or is due The :’-“: ‘-” ‘ ‘ against the white-washed’ • and can be seen for a j ut at sea. After a while ‘■■■■ d that the ship waa shore again, und coniine – :u as sin’ could be steered : – Mr – ; l!1((1 attention to the fact ‘ tfithin a distance of a mile south of the wbarl there are over two dozen farm ‘ m. and said that at night there are s lights to be seen at the windows • re were the two riding lights on the steamer Gipsy. Manuel Simeon was another who witnessed the strange ma neuvers of the New York during the ‘ oon and evening, and these obser- ; were shared by Jesse Valadao i Frank Martin and Antone Vantura, all of. whom at times work around the wharf ‘ At the smith end of Spanishtown lives William Metzgar, opposite whose land the • ■ wreck’ ‘i vessel now lies. Ho was a close! ier of the movements of the shin 1 during the day and evening, and his nar- I rativ.- as to the strange conduct of the I r tallies with the stories told by those on the wharf and dozens who live In the town. The officers of the little coasting steam er Gipsy, that runs from this port to San ta Cruz, had a fine opportunity of noting the movements of the New York, but they are as badly mystified as any one. “It was Sunday afternoon about 2 o’clock when I first saw the New York,” said Captain Iceland of the steamer Gipsy. . l : ” . between FliUx uad : -a -vs j |
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