Story from John Vonderlin
Email John ([email protected])
Hi June,
Here’s an article from the June 6th, 1902
issue of “The Call,” that undoubtedly
helped drive the “Black Gold Fever,” that
gripped the local area and the nation at
this time. Enjoy. John
Much interest will be attached during
the next few weeks to the possible devel
opment in the region of Half moon Bay,
in San’ Mateo County. Oil of 50 gravity
and better has been struck there. There
have been many conflicting stories con
cerning the find. Parties who are inter
ested in other properties than the one on
which the oil has been discovered have
inquired . earnestly about the read facts.
One extravagant rumor has^ been given
currency to the effect that the well, which
is owned by Gulberson, Sallee and Hayne,
started In as a gusher at the rate of 1000
barrels per day. The real fact appears to
be, from the statement of an entirely re
liable party, one of the owners, that the
well started about ten days ago, with a
high gas pressure and ran for one hour
at the rate of twenty-five barrels for the
hour. Then the flow was shut off. The
owners do not attempt to forecast any
thing concerning the future of their prop
erty, but give out that they are satisfied
that they have a good well. They have
now sunk six wells in all. The producer
is the sixth.
the next few weeks to the possible devel
opment in the region of Half moon Bay,
in San’ Mateo County. Oil of 50 gravity
and better has been struck there. There
have been many conflicting stories con
cerning the find. Parties who are inter
ested in other properties than the one on
which the oil has been discovered have
inquired . earnestly about the read facts.
One extravagant rumor has^ been given
currency to the effect that the well, which
is owned by Gulberson, Sallee and Hayne,
started In as a gusher at the rate of 1000
barrels per day. The real fact appears to
be, from the statement of an entirely re
liable party, one of the owners, that the
well started about ten days ago, with a
high gas pressure and ran for one hour
at the rate of twenty-five barrels for the
hour. Then the flow was shut off. The
owners do not attempt to forecast any
thing concerning the future of their prop
erty, but give out that they are satisfied
that they have a good well. They have
now sunk six wells in all. The producer
is the sixth.
If the new discoveries should determine
that there is a new district in San Mateo
County it will be of much significance and
will generally encourage the northern ex
plorers for oil, especially in the counties
adjoining San Mateo County. Oil has not
been produced in commercial quantities
north of Summerland hitherto.
that there is a new district in San Mateo
County it will be of much significance and
will generally encourage the northern ex
plorers for oil, especially in the counties
adjoining San Mateo County. Oil has not
been produced in commercial quantities
north of Summerland hitherto.
Here’s a link to the big Lakeview Gusher