Story & photos by John Vonderlin
Please email John (
I enjoyed your Tsunami Ranger story. The video was a nice touch. Glad you enjoyed yourselves there. I would have liked to have attended, but…. so many miles and so little free time. I was able to go to the Maker-Faire for a few hours though, at the San Mateo County Fairgrounds.
So were about 25 thousand other people. It was a very interesting mix of people, especially the exhibitors. From Burning Man type artists/inventors/exhibitionists to Crafters, Geeks and Gyro Gearloose wannabees. Tim the Toolman types hawking computer controlled mills and lathes and R2-D2 rolling around emitting an impressively irritating set of squeals. Motorized Muffins were competing with a mobile, talking Electric Giraffe, and a pedal-powered trolley car for room-to-move-through in the dense, but placid crowd. I’ll attach a few pictures from it. Their website is They’ll be back next year I’m sure.
Also, very cool, check out this “related” site called the steam punk workshop; to visit, click here
The New York Times online has a great article with photos.