Burney Says: “We Used a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and Lady Clariol Ultra Blue….”


Thanks for calling my attention to your video from the 1970s. We had just begun (in 1968) a long-term study of northern elephants in the area. One of the first studies was to determine the relationship between fighting and mating in males and which females successfully raised pups and why. This involved marking individuals to follow the game. We used a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and Lady Clairol Ultra Blue; the hair simply bleached in the sun and was non-invasive. My graduate students went a little crazy with the names. There were several males named after me – BJL, Burney, Le Boeuf – none of them fared too well. The best fighter and lover was Adrian, named after a female anthropologist friend at the time. Ah well.

best of luck with your history sites.


Burney J. Le Boeuf
Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and
Research Professor of Biology
29 Clark Kerr Hall
University of California
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

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