Story by John Vonderlin
Email John ([email protected])
Hi June,
I believe this is the answer to the origin of the name of Bean Hollow, not as I or Dr. Brown had theorized. Only about one in 6,000 people have Bean as a surname these days. The coincidence of the proprieter of the first hotel in Pescadero and the nearby Bean Hollow having the same name is hard to ignore. Enjoy. John
Bean is the 713th most popular last name (surname) in the United States; frequency is 0.017%;

“Samuel Bean had the honor of being the first to keep a hotel at Pescadero. The building was erected by Besse, Radar & Weeks in the fall of 1856 for a store. Rader, however, occupied it as a dwelling house until 1859 when Bean took a lease of it for hotel purposes. In 1861, Loren Coburn became its proprietor, and he was succeeded by C.W. Swanton, who purchased the property and keeps a hotel there.”
June to John: I did not know that Coburn owned the Swanton House before the Swantons owned it. I’m assuming that’s what the article is referring to. Good new information.