Hi John,
I just got caught up at Pescadero Memories. I’m especially enjoying the correspondence around Monty Parker. Thanks as always for your gracious words.
I think I neglected to mention that I took a nasty fall during my hike on while getting in position to take a picture of Obstacle 3, The Wall. The good news is that I managed to hang on to my iPhone (as a younger man, it might have been a beer!). The bad news is that I landed hard on my right forearm and shin. The impact was jarring but I shook it off, continued on my way, and pretty much forgot about it.
Several days later, however, the pain in my shin and ankle increased beyond the point of distraction. I made a trip to Urgent Care and discovered that I have a hairline fracture of my right fibula and a sprained right ankle. The doctor advised me to take Motrin for the pain and take it easy. So I will rest up a bit, but I look forward to more coastal adventures. I would love to explore the Seven Sisters with you and perhaps anchor a rope to the top of the Scree Slope. Something to look forward to.
I hope all is well with you and Meg, and I look forward to seeing you soon.
Take care,