From John Vonderlin
Email John ([email protected])

Harry F. Terrill and Captain Theo C. Dodge, the two Bay City wheelmen who started last Tuesday for a wheeling trip along the coast, have met with seveal setbacks, according to a letter the writer received from Terrill yesterday. He says:
We had a fine ride until we struck the Alpine road, when my sprocket broke. Dodge pushed me from there clear into Pescadero, and just as we reached here we had a collision and wrecked my wheel and also did some damage to Theo’s. Will wait here–Pescadero–for two days to get some parts from the City, but as Pescadero has four pretty girls to one homely fellow–and as Theo and I are both handsome fellows–well, you can guess the rest. We met Will Searles, an old-time Bay City, who works in the Bank of Califonria, about ten miles from here fishing in the Pescadero Creek. Regards to all the boys.