John Vonderlin: Proposed Tunnel (Ocean Shore RR)

Story from John Vonderlin
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Hi June,
I’ve attached the ScreenShot of a newspaper article from the Newspaper Archives that probably explains the proposed Ocean Shore Railroad tunnel that Angelo mentioned having read something about.  As Angelo mentioned, there was a lot of promoting, marketing, and outright hot air associated with their pronouncements, plans and press releases. This is probably a good example of that. Angelo thought the $500K tunnel was to solve the Waddell Bluffs landslide problem and although this article doesn’t mention the tunnel’s location, I think he is right. Enjoy. John
The San Francisco Call
December 10th, 1909
Eastern Capitalists Seek to Purchase Road…Receiver F.S. Stratton of the Ocean Shore Railway Company received a report of the physical condition of the road yesterday which, “in his opinion, considerably lightens the company’s financial problems.”  There are 54 miles of track completed and only 30 miles yet to be laid, of which fifteen miles have been graded and made ready for rails. The main expense will be in a tunnel, which will cost at least $500,000. “Everything is going well,” said Stratton, “and there is every prospect of the road pulling througfh successfully. For this reason it is better I disclose none of the details of its finances out of court.”
The selection of an attorney for the receiver is yet to be announced, although it is believed Stratton’s law partner, Walter Kaufman, will get the place. Besides the transcontinental, a syndicate of Eastern capitalists is known to have made overtures for the purchase of the road.
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