Story from John Vonderlin
Email John ([email protected])
Hi June,
This might be my new favorite travelogue to the Coastside. It reminds me of some ill-fated trips into the wilderness I had when I was a young man. This is only one of the numerous interesting vacation stories on the “Junior Call” page (#2) of the October 17, 1908 issue of the San Francisco Call. Six watches were awarded for the best stories. This one is about a young man and his brother’s walking trip from San Mateo to Santa Cruz.
502 Clayton Street, San Francisco.
Crocker School, B Eighth Grade.
-.Age 14 Years-
It was early Saturday morning, June
28, that my brother and I started on
the long walk to Santa Cruz. We took
the car to San-Mateo, from where we
started on our real walking trip. We
reached; Redwood: by noon. Here we
had our lunch and after resting we
started toward the mountains. We
walked about two hours, when he sud –
denly came to the conclusion that we
were lost, for there were hills on all
sides of us. But, as I had noticed a
cowpath running north and south, I
suggested following it, which sugges –
tion was readily accepted by my
brother. After following this path for
about half an hour we came to a tiny
creek, which we both thought a favor –
able camping ground. Here we made
our coffee and ate our supper. I rolled
Into my blanket, but my brother wrote
in his diary. I soon went to sleep – and
awoke at dawn. I awoke my brother and then
502 Clayton Street, San Francisco.
Crocker School, B Eighth Grade.
-.Age 14 Years-
It was early Saturday morning, June
28, that my brother and I started on
the long walk to Santa Cruz. We took
the car to San-Mateo, from where we
started on our real walking trip. We
reached; Redwood: by noon. Here we
had our lunch and after resting we
started toward the mountains. We
walked about two hours, when he sud –
denly came to the conclusion that we
were lost, for there were hills on all
sides of us. But, as I had noticed a
cowpath running north and south, I
suggested following it, which sugges –
tion was readily accepted by my
brother. After following this path for
about half an hour we came to a tiny
creek, which we both thought a favor –
able camping ground. Here we made
our coffee and ate our supper. I rolled
Into my blanket, but my brother wrote
in his diary. I soon went to sleep – and
awoke at dawn. I awoke my brother and then
made coffee while my brother explored the
surrounding country. He came back
and told that there was a road to the
south of us. After breakfast we struck
out along the road and it was hard
walking, for it was all up hill. We
ate our. lunch; at a place called Upenuf.
After resting a while we started again,
but it was easier now, as it was down
hill. And now we came into the red –
wood district, where our enormous big
trees rear their black, green heads to
blue California skies. After walking
until dusk, we came to .the little town
of La Honda, where we decided to
camp for the night.
We found a good camping ground un –
der two tall redwoods. My brother and
I went to; bed early for we wanted to
reach Pescadero the next night.
surrounding country. He came back
and told that there was a road to the
south of us. After breakfast we struck
out along the road and it was hard
walking, for it was all up hill. We
ate our. lunch; at a place called Upenuf.
After resting a while we started again,
but it was easier now, as it was down
hill. And now we came into the red –
wood district, where our enormous big
trees rear their black, green heads to
blue California skies. After walking
until dusk, we came to .the little town
of La Honda, where we decided to
camp for the night.
We found a good camping ground un –
der two tall redwoods. My brother and
I went to; bed early for we wanted to
reach Pescadero the next night.
At 1 o’clock the next day; we were at
San Gregorio. Here we ate our lunch, but
soon were on our way, for Pescadero
was a good ways off. After a dry and
hot walk we reached Pescadero at
nightfall. By good luck, we found, a
favorable camping ground on a bank of
a creek. We ate a dry supper; for I,
for one, was very tired. Next morrn –
ing I found, to my dismay, that my
brother’s face was so swollen from
poison oak that he was blind. So I led
him to the doctor, who asked us how
he got it, but we didn’t know, but he
must have slept in it, for it was all
over his body. ~ He. gave us a prescription
that he said would cure him by that
night. But by night he was as bad as ever,
San Gregorio. Here we ate our lunch, but
soon were on our way, for Pescadero
was a good ways off. After a dry and
hot walk we reached Pescadero at
nightfall. By good luck, we found, a
favorable camping ground on a bank of
a creek. We ate a dry supper; for I,
for one, was very tired. Next morrn –
ing I found, to my dismay, that my
brother’s face was so swollen from
poison oak that he was blind. So I led
him to the doctor, who asked us how
he got it, but we didn’t know, but he
must have slept in it, for it was all
over his body. ~ He. gave us a prescription
that he said would cure him by that
night. But by night he was as bad as ever,
so I packed up and we went to
the hotel, where. we got a room. Next
morning we took the stage to Redwood
City, where we took the train to San
Francisco. – So ends the eventful tale of
the hike to Santa Cruz;
the hotel, where. we got a room. Next
morning we took the stage to Redwood
City, where we took the train to San
Francisco. – So ends the eventful tale of
the hike to Santa Cruz;
This contest is open to San Fran –
cisco and California juniors between
the ages of 10 and 16 years, and for
the six best stories published each
week The Junior Call awards as prizes
six handsome school watches.
For the younger Juniors, under 10
years of age, another contest is open,
particulars of which are given on the
fourth page today.
The watches awarded in this week’s
contest will be mailed in a few days.
If you are a winner and have not re –
ceived yours by next Saturday, let The
Junior Call know at once.
cisco and California juniors between
the ages of 10 and 16 years, and for
the six best stories published each
week The Junior Call awards as prizes
six handsome school watches.
For the younger Juniors, under 10
years of age, another contest is open,
particulars of which are given on the
fourth page today.
The watches awarded in this week’s
contest will be mailed in a few days.
If you are a winner and have not re –
ceived yours by next Saturday, let The
Junior Call know at once.