1917–Minot Judson’s Poem about Pebble Beach

thumb-jewel3From John Vonderlin
Email John (benloudman@sbcglobal.net)
(Image: polished stone found at Pebble Beach, Pescadero) 
Hi June,
   This is a poem by Minot Judson Savage, from his “America t
o England” book of poetry published in 1917. It is viewable at Archive.org. I’ve attached an excerpt from Wikipedia about Mr. Savage, that explains how an East Coast minister happened to publish a book with a poem about Pescadero. He might very well have been talking about Invisible Beach in his last few lines.
    The Pescadero Pebbles    

    WHERE slopes the beach to the setting 
    On the Pescadero shore, 
    Forever and ever the restless surf 
    Rolls up with its sullen roar. 

    And grasping the pebbles in white hands, 

    And chafing them together, 
    And grinding them against the cliffs 
    • In stormy and sunny weather, 

    It gives them never any rest : 

    All day, all night, the pain 
    Of their long agony sobs on. 

    Sinks and then swells again. 

    And tourists come from every clime 

    To search with eager care 
    For those whose rest has been the least ; 

    For such have grown most fair. 

    But yonder, round a point of rock. 

    In a quiet, sheltered cove. 
    Where storm ne’er breaks and sea ne’er comes, 

    The tourists never rove. 

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