1960s: From the Half Moon Bay Review
“Mrs. Nita Spangler, president of the S.M. County Historical Association, said that ‘she personally favored the preservation’ of the old Tunis School.
“‘It is my personal feeling that the Old Tunis School should be preserved because of the historical interest. The association has visited the place, and articles and pictures of it have been published. It is the only one-room schoolhouse in operation in San Mateo County,’ said Mrs. Spangler.
“It was pointed out that the ‘economics of preserving it are a matter of concern to the coastside’.
“An organization has been formed for the preservation of the old Tunis School. It consists of a group of people who”….[rest of the article is missing, doesn’t it bug you?]
To see a photo of the Tunis School, scan down to the post below.