Arches: Pescadero’s Pride and Joy….Story by John Vonderlin

Arches: Pescadero’s Pride and Joy [See Note below]

Story by John Vonderlin (email John: [email protected])


Hi June,

I think of all the Sea Arches on the San Mateo Coastside, and the one just south of Pescadero Creek, is the most well-known and one of the most photogenic.

It’s visible from the Highway 1 bridge that crosses the creek and easily accessible by pulling into the most northerly parking lot of Pescadero Beach. And it’s not that difficult to climb down and walk through it, provided the creek isn’t raging and there is a reasonably low tide. If you are not handy jumping from rock to rock you should be ready to get your feet wet.

Looking at the 1972 pictures of this arch on CCRP, my guess is that unlike many other sea arches on our coast, it will be there a long time.

Picture #6257 on CCRP gives a nice overview of this area, helping put the pictures I’ve attached in better perspective.

Please note that that Picture #6257 was taken in September before the winter rains which open the creek to the ocean and remove much of the visible sand. Enjoy. John


[Note: But is the arch manmade? Stay tuned….]

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