Secret Beaches: What John Vonderlin Saw At Purisima Falls
Story & Photos by John Vonderlin
email John (
Hi June,
By far, the highlight of the trip to Secret Beach was viewing the Purisima Creek Waterfall. It’s definitely the most spectacular coastal waterfall in San Mateo County.
My hope is that the planned bluff trail, with its nearby parking lot, will, someday give many more people a chance to view this stunning waterfall as it cascades down from the cliff onto a huge rock, and is subdivided into multidirected ribbons that flow into the sea at this isolated spot. (Cowell Purisima Coastal Trail Project)
Half Moon Bay (/articles/2007/10/19/news/local_news/story06.txt)
You can see the falls in Picture #6159, shot from a helicopter from a long distance on the California Coastal Records Project website, or enjoy it up close in the following pictures. I hope some day everyone gets to experience this unique area up close as I did. It truly is one of the crown jewels of the San Mateo Coast. A hidden gem so unknown you won’t even find out about it by websearching. That seems a selfish crime. Enjoy. John Vonderlin