Memories of Ano Nuevo: A Timber, Glass Float…and a window from the lighthouse

Story & Photos by Russell Towle

email Russell ([email protected])

John, June, an example of one of my hewn timbers from Green Oaks Creek (one end still has its tenon); a picture of my Año Nuevo Lighthouse window, made in 1971 for a little cabin I lived in in Grass Valley, now just leaning against my back wall and gathering dust; and a picture of my one “Japanese” glass fishing float, near a chunk of fossiliferous Pliocene siltstone from south of the Point on the old Coastways Ranch beach, where one can see lenses of shells in the brown siltstone of the cliffs. Hank Bradley always used to joke that those lenses of shell fragments must surely be in the way of being coprolites, masses of whale shit as it were.


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