See Virtual Ano Nuevo

Virtual Ano Nuevo, Virtual Parks
Story by John Vonderlin
email John (
Panorama of Ano Nuevo’s Middle Beach, click here
Hi Russell,
I don’t know what kind of speed connection this site whose URL is below needs, but if you can access it I think you’ll be amazed. The site has a map of Ano Nuevo Park showing where various panoramic series were shot. Each panorama consists of twelve shots over 360 degrees. By using your mouse as directed you can spin  the displayed view completely around in a circle, zooming in or out using the Shift or Control key. The one near where Cascade Creek goes into the ocean has a great long shot of the “Forbidden Zone,” down the beach. And the Preserve Boundary shows it up close. This is the next best thing to actual being there. And considering how cold, wet and windy I’ve seen it there, it might be better then sometimes. Enjoy. John
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