From John Vonderlin
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The San Francisco Call
April 3, 190?
Special Dispatch to The Call
Pescadero April 3- Several of the owners and promoters of the Ocean Shore Railroad have taken a step that has set railroad gossips agog and and given a new impetus to the plans and hopes of timbermen in the Pescadero Valley. The Pescadero Railroad and Improvement Company has quietly been incorporated and measures have been taken to tap one of the richest redwood belts in the state. The capital stock of the new railroad, which is palpably an offshoot of the Ocean Shore Railroad and a feeder to it, has been fixed at $600,000. The incorporators are John B. Rogers, chief Engineer of the Ocean Shore Railroad, Walter L. Dean, Lewis H. Sage, Robert J. Graham, J.H. Goldman, L.R. Notbham, and George Leungh.
The new railroad will start near the town of Pescadero and will parallel Pescadero Creek for eight miles. It will tap the rich timber belt and carry its products to San Francisco. Not only will this be done, but the Ocean Shore people, may utilize the route into this valley as part of the route from San Francisco to Santa Cruz. If this should be done it will shorten the route between these two cities by at least ten miles.
It is expected the Southern Pacific company, which has spent many thousands of dollars in surveys of the Pescadero Valley will meet the rivalry of its competitor by building a road of its own. [emphasis added.]