1895: Silver Thorn wrecked at “New Year Island”

July 1895 (from the San Francisco Examiner)

The sloop that was reported wrecked on New Year Island early on Tuesday morning by the lighthouse inspector was the Silver Thorn that was recently launched by Gray & Muller. She was chartered by E. W. Littlejohn, who started with her and a crew of two men on an otter-hunting cruise along the southern coast of California. 

The vessel was lying hove to off Pigeon Point, when she sprung a leak about midnight on Monday. The three men had all they could do to keep her afloat, and they ran for New Year Island to put her on the beach. It was low tide when they ran her upon the shore and not long afterward a heavy swell set in. She began pounding on the bottom, and before she could be pulled off again she was a wreck. By daylight she was in pieces and nothing was saved from her. The shipwrecked men were given shelter by the crew of the foghorn station at New Year point.


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