This is a story about a fairly common happenstance reported in the old newspapers; a salvage boat getting into trouble while attempting to “steal” Neptune’s due; after a cargo-laden boat had gone aground. The danger of tying up close to a ship that had been driven onto rocks, perhaps in shallow waters, is considerable, even in the best of marine weather conditions. But, I’m sure maximum profit or even pure greed and the fear of competitors often didn’t allow salvagers time to wait for favorable seas. This story is from “The Daily Alta” issue of June 13th, 1853, just a week after the wreck of the Carrier Pigeon. Enjoy. John
P.S. Try to follow who is captaining what boat and you’ll see there is major confusion. Is Mr. Wright the Purser for the Goliah or the Captain of the Sea Bird? Is Mr. Waterman the Captain of the Carrier Pigeon or is Mr. Doane? Four Captains, three boats Hmmm. I’ve got a few more things to check on, before I throw in my two cents.
Steamer Sea Bird Ashore— The Carrier Pigeon. We have intelligence of the steamer Sea Bird having gone ashore, furnished by Purser Wright of the steamer Goliah, Capt. R. Haley, which arrived yesterday afternoon from the wreck of the Carrier Pigeon. That vessel was lying head on shore, with the water ebbing and flowing in her.
The steamer Sea Bird, laying at anchor astern of the Carrier Pigeon, at 3 A. M. on Friday, parted her best bower chain; she immediately let go her second anchor which brought her up head to the sea. In a few minutes she parted her second chain, when the captain made sail on her, and veered her clear of a reef of rocks lying off her lee side. There being a heavy ground swell when the second anchor brought the steamer’s head to the sea, the chain veered across the forefoot, which caused her to start the scurf at the bottom of the forefoot, and in a few minutes the steamer was reported to be filling. Capt. Wright immediately kept her off under steam, and succeeded in reaching the beach under Point Anno Nuevo, where he beached her, all hands being engaged in pumping and bailing in the meantime. Capt. Waterman and the crew of the Carrier Pigeon were on board at the time. The Goliah took out the cargo that the Sea Bird had received from the Carrier Pigeon, some 1,200 packages of merchandise.
When the Goliah left the Sea Bird, Capt Wright thought he would be able to get the steamer afloat the next high water. She was not leaking as bad as when she went ashore. The Goliah left the wreck of the Carrier Pigeon yesterday morning at 9 A. M.
Immediately after beaching the Sea Bird, Captain Wright sent an Express to San Francisco for the steamer Goliah to come to his relief. Capt. Waterman and a gang of men remained at the wreck of the Carrier Pigeon, and if the weather continues good, there will be more goods saved. Capt. Doane, officers and crew of the Carrier Pigeon were passengers in the Goliah. The Goliah returned to the wreck last evening.
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This is a more extensive article about the wreck of the Carrier Pigeon. It was from two days after the initial report, and was published in the June 10th, 1853 issue of the “Daily Alta.” Note that once again, as in the first report, the location is specified by referring to a distance from some other landmark, and doesn’t use the term Pigeon Point.
Wreck of the Carrier Pigeon
The surveying steamer Active, under Lieut. Alden, sailed on the 8th inst. from port, and after stopping at the Farallones, proceeded to the wreck of the Carrier Pigeon, which lies about 7 miles north of Point Ano Nuevo, but on shore. Her bow lay about 500 feet from the beach, and the rear amidship on a ledge of rocks, which have broken the ship’s back. The tide ebb and flow in her, and is up to her between decks. A portion if not all of her cargo between decks may be saved if the weather holds good, which is doubtful, as there was a heavy surf when the Active left. Her mizzenmast was cut away on the 8th at 3 P. M, and they intended to cut away the other masts to save the ship. We learn that if the parties interested had allowed the Active to go to work, without bartering and bantering on salvage, a considerable amount of property might have been saved for tbe uuderwriters. Too much praise cannot be awarded to the officers of tbe Active for their exertions to save the goods from the ship, until parties in charge began to talk about salvage, wages, and so forth. Lieut. Cuyler deserves great credit for boarding the ship, taking the captain ashore, and securing a line on shore so as to allow their boats to go back and forward. The insurance agents in California should have liberal views as regards wrecks on our coasts, more so than in the Atlantic States. Soon after the arrival of the Acttve, the Sea Bird arrived with Mr. Bacon on board, who took charge of the wreck.
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The following short article that appeared in the “Daily Alta” on June 8th, 1853 was the first mention of the wreck of the Carrier Pigeon in the old newspapers. Note that they use the term “on the night of the 6th instant.” That led me to the answer to your question about what “1st inst.” meant in the “Oldest Inhabitant” posting. My guesses at that time were way off. But, knowing “instant” was involved, it was easy to find this definition below, that reveals it means “in the current month.” One less mystery in this world.
I’m assuming the term “Heads” in the article refers to the headlands on either side of the Golden Gate passage into the bay. I’m also assuming that the contradiction of “Intelligence was revealed” and the description of the source as an “ignorant Mexican,” and the need for a reliable source, had to do with the year, 1853, when much bitterness still existed in California because of the U.S.-Mexican War, that had ended just five years before. Enjoy. John
Definition #3 of Instant
Abbr. inst.The current month: your letter of the 15th instant.
Wreck of the Carrier Pigeon–Probably a Total Loss
Intelligence was revealed in this city last evening that the clipper ship, Carrier Pigeon, of Boston, had gone ashore on the night of the sixth instant, in a thick fog about thirty miles south of the Heads, where she now lies stern on. The ship has bilged, but it is hoped the cargo between decks can be saved. The news were (sic) received through an ignorant Mexican (sick) We look for further particulars from a reliable source to-day.
Mr. Bacon, an agent of the underwriters at Boston has taken efficient measures to afford assistance immediately, and goes down to the wreck with steamers and men to render all assistance requisite.
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LOCAL BOOK, Bootlegger’s Cove SIGNED By the Author Rob Tillitz
THUR July 16th, SULLIVAN’S, La Honda,
5-8 PM
SAT July 18th, HARBOR VILLAGE BOOKS, Princeton,
12-3 PM
12-3 PM
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Hi June,
This June 4th, 1905 article from the
San Francisco “Call,” describes three
main routes the members of the Auto-
mobile Club of California can take to
their event in Santa Cruz. I wonder which
way I would have gone? Spirit of adventure
and horse-assisted beach run or honk
vigorously, drive slowly and watch for
drivers coming the other way on curves?
Cape Horn and Alligator Rock would have
won hands down.
Enjoy. John
Three Routes, Each Offering Charms
of Its Own; May Be Taken From Oakland
The members of the Automobile Club
of California will rendezvous next
Saturday at Santa Cruz, the Sea Beach
Hotel being their headquarters. C. C.
Moore, captain of the run, and the ex-
ecutive committee of the club have is-
sued a circular to the members stat-
ing that favorable rates have been se-
cured from the hotels and arrange-
ments made for an ample supply of
gasoline and lubricating oil; as well as
for garage accommodation.
The members will reach Santa Cruz
by any route they may prefer. Three
roads are available. The first is by
way of Los Gatos, the Hotel de Red-
wood and Soquel, the distance by it
from Oakland being about eighty miles.
The road is one of the best, easiest and
most beautiful mountain roads in the
State, not having more than eight or
nine miles of hill and being nowhere
too steep for light-powered motor cars.
It is in fine condition and is strongly
recommended by the committee, as
signboards, give plain directions. The
time required from Oakland to Santa
Cruz is not more than five or six hours.
Members are cautioned to sound their
horns vigorously and proceed slowly
on curves to give any driver approach
ing an opportunity to turn out
The second route is by way of San
Jose, Gilroy, San Juan and Watson-
vllle. The only hills are some short
ones near San Juan, the route passing
through the canyon to the north of the
San Juan grade and joining the Pajaro
Valley near Watsonvllle. From Wasonville
to Santa Cruz the road is in fair condition
and comparatively level. Those who
choose this route should allow eight or
nine hours for the trip as the distance is
about 130 miles and a stop must be made
for luncheon. The thlrd route is by way of Halfmoon
Bay and Pescadero. The road
passes over a rolling country and is in
excellent condition with a uniformly
smooth surface. The only drawback is
that about ione and a half miles of
beach must be crossed at a point twelve
miles below Pescndero. At low water, or
even at half tide, any motor car can run
along the beach. There will be a little
trouble in pulling off the beach through
dry sand to get on to the road again. To
obviate this a team of horses will be
stationed at the spot on Saturday, ready;
to pull the machines over the sandy
stretch. Members who are attracted by the
spice of adventure on thls route can go
by way of Colma to.the coast and San
Mateo to Half moon Bay or by way of
Redwood City. to Pescadero. Eight or
nine hours should bwe allowed for this
Pigeons at Pigeon Point? Maybe…Maybe Not Hi June,
I was able to find the source of the suggestion that Pigeon Point might have been named for pigeons, rather then the wreck of the Carrier Pigeon in 1853. It’s in a lengthy article entitled “The Pigeon Point Lighthouse.” It appeared in the May 24th 1896 issue of “San Francisco Call.” The relevant excerpt says:
“Pigeon point is the only cape of any importance on the coast of California with an English name, but when, why, and by whom it was christened is not a matter of record in the lighthouse annals. There is certainly nothing about the place to suggest such a cognomen, nor are pigeons generally seen in the immediate vicinity. Old residents of Pescadero say that it got its name from a carrier pigeon station that was on the point years ago. The birds were used to carry the names of ships to San Francisco as soon as they were sighted. Of this there is no record, but it is known the Merchant’s Exchange had a semaphore station there in 1865. In weather when the semaphore could not be seen the dispatches were sent by horseback riders. If pigeons were ever used for the purpose, it must have been for a very short time, or many years previous.”
While I was glad to find the reference, it seems pretty shaky in reliability. I think the wreck of the Carrier Pigeon as the source is a lot more likely, given the newspaper reports I mentioned in the previous posting. Still, the carrier pigeon message systems were real on the coast, as I’ll show with an article about pigeons, the Farallones and the arrival of a notorious serial killer. Check out the Headlines from the article that I’ve attached as a ScreenShot and imagine translating this if English was a second language for you. Enjoy. John
[Image above says:
Speed of Birds Will be Pitted Against the Craft of a Monster.
As Soon as the Swanhilda Is Sighted
the News Will Be Winged to
This City
“Did Edward Mullen Become Pescadero’s Richest Man?”
Hi June,
Here’s what seemed at first to be a non-interesting article about a resident of Pescadero who is never mentioned in the history books. It was only after I checked out the story of Mr. Blythe, that I realized what this was all about. Think of the case of Melvin Dummar and Howard Hughes, that was immortalized in film and endless reams of print, only a hundred years earlier, and you have a good idea of what is going on here. I’ll give a summary of the case and Mr. Blythe’s very interesting life, as well as the immense influence on the development of California that he had,in a following email. I’m still looking to see if Mr. Mullin ever returned to Pescadero as its richest man. This article appeared in the December 19, 1892 issue of “The Call.” Enjoy. John
A Local Claimant to the
Monroe Estate.
Edward Mullin, a Pescadero Ranch
man, Wants Recognition From
the New Jersey Courts
The Blythe case is only one of many which have sprung out of the influx of population into California during the days of the gold fever. Thomas H. Blythe, or Williams, (his real name) however, made his money here and heirs from abroad.
In the case of Edward Mullen, the peculiarity seems to be that he left a prospective fortune behind him, and has just reached the conclusion that nearly forty years of life on a California ranch have not left him a millionaire.
So, In the sixty-seventh year of his age, he is going to New Jersey to settle up a suit for hundreds of acres of most valuable property in the vicinity of Cape May. Mr. Mullin resides at the present time with bis family in an upper flat on Mission street, near Fifth. He has four married
daughters living in this city, and he and his wife present the appearance of thoroughly respectable, intelligent people. Mr. Mullin left his ranch at Pescadero about a year
ago. after living there thirty-four years, he still retains possession of the ranch, which he values at $6,000.
“I came to California from Baltimore in 1851,” said Mr. Mullin yesterday to a Call reporter. My people are among the oldest residents in New Jersey, and the property at Cape May, of which I am one of the heirs, has been In the family since 1702. “I was born at Medford, N. J., on Febru-
ary 6, 1826. 1 have a sister, the only other surviving heir, who lives at 1310 North Chester Stree!, Baltimore, Md. Her name is Mrs. Mary A. Dulin.
“Our claim to the property is through our grandfather, Edwin Mullin, whose name appears in this letter.”
Mr. Mullin here handed the reporter a letter from Smith and Jeffords, attorneys of
511 Eleventh street, N. W. Washington, attorneys of D. C. The letter contained a reference to
Mr. Mullin’s. claims through Edwin Mullin to the property at Long Beach, Cape May, commonly known as the Monroe estate, and stated that Charles Evan Merrit’s attorney, of Mount Holly, N.J., had undertaken to push the case in the New Jersey courts. The attorneys frankly stated in this communication that the length of time which had elapsed since the estate was settled in Edwin Mullin’s time would complicate the suit and delay the present settlement, but they were the same time hopeful of a favorable issue.
“I have spent about $1000 so far in prosecuting my claim,” said Mr. Mullen, “and in the beginning of the year I am going to Baltimore to see my sister, who is pushing her claim jointly with me. I have the ranch here, but I am what you call a poo man, for if I were to sell the ranch it would be at a great sacrifice. I have a number of letters, as you see, which make my identity quite clear, and which ought to get me justice at once, but law is a slow, expensive protest anywhere.”
“I began life in California in the shoe business, but the first regular situation I went into was with Hutton & Sequr, auctioneers, on the corner of Sansome and Jackson streets. After that I set up in the shoe business myself in a little store on Sansome street, and then went to Pescadero. After living there five years I moved to a place in the same neighborhood and took up some Government land. I have ten children, all of whom are married but one. My people in the East belong to one of the old Quaker families of New Jersey. “I don’t know how much the Cape May property may be worth, but I have heard the figure stated at $5 or $6,000.000 If I should succeed in my suit I shall return to California. There is no country like it.”
Mr. Mullin is a hale old man and looks ten years younger than he really is. There is nothing of the visionary or enthusiast about him and his papers seems to fully substantiate his claim.
John’s afterthought:
In the headline it should ask if Mr. Mullen became the richest Pescaderan, as he was the one seeking the long dead Mr. Blythe’s fortune.[ed. I got the headline wrong and just changed it.] Though, he never got them as far as I can tell. More likely he was being milked by pie-in-the sky lawyers who knew the letter was a forgery, but didn’t care. There certainly is no indication in the papers that he succeeded. I haven’t found the resolution of his specific case, but I’ve seen several others in short articles with headlines like”Thrown Out of Court…” This craziness went on for decades. The eventual winner grew up from a little girl to a widow before she finally won.
I suppose all this name confusion is appropriate, as the famous Mr Blythe, an Englishman, who became a San Francisco financier and developer, had a different name when he served five years in Botany Bay before coming to America. More on that soon.
This is the background story of Mr. Blythe’s millions that Edward Mullen, a Pescadero rancher, had hoped to get part of. This is from a San Diego history website and might be copyrighted, but I thought you might find his story interesting. Are you familiar with the real estate, the Blythe Block, that he made his first millions on? What plant is hemp-like? The vision of hundreds of thousands of acres of hemp, grown with Colorado River water, filling the Southland, is quite mind-boggling. A lot of his story, before and after his death, seems so Howard Hughes-like, bigger and weirder then life, that I’m not surprised Melvin Dummar leaped to mind when I first read Edward Mullen’s story. Enjoy. John
In the early 1870’s, a San Diego resident by the name of O. P. Calloway became interested in the possibility of sufficiently controlling the waters of the Colorado River, through a system of levees and canals, to bring under cultivation a large flood plain lying some distance upstream from Yuma. This is the area now known as the Palo Verde Valley. Calloway made some preliminary surveys and apparently filed some claims on land. But, lacking sufficient funds to carry out his plan by himself, he managed to get interested in the project a wealthy San Franciscan by the name of Thomas Henry Blythe.
Blythe had come to California in 1849 from England. In late 1850 and early 1851, through the purchase of two quit-claim deeds for the total price of slightly over $2,000, he had acquired a triangular-shaped, blocksized parcel of real estate located amid the sand dunes in the northeastern portion of the San Francisco peninsula. This area afterward became the heart of downtown San Francisco and this single piece of property, which came to be known as the Blythe Block and which was bounded by Market, Geary, and Grant (then Dupont) streets, made Blythe a millionaire. From this beginning, he went on to acquire interest in a number of mines in California, Nevada, and Arizona, as well as some timber land in Oregon. Rather eccentric and something of a recluse, he travelled to Europe several times, but otherwise spent most of his time living in a cabin in the Trinity Mountains, at least until the mid-1870’s when he returned to San Francisco to reside.
Soon after getting Blythe interested in his project, Calloway was killed by Indians along the river. Blythe’s interest, however, not only continued but it grew. His first claim on land along the river, made under the state’s swamp and overflow law, was for about 40,000 acres. He also filed a water claim on the river and may have been the first person in the state to do so. Shortly afterward, he, or rather numerous people acting for him, filed on over 35,000 acres of additional land in this area, this time under the Desert Land Act of 1877. He also made another filing on Colorado River water. A little later, he filed on nearly 100,000 acres of additional swamp and overflow land and made yet another filing on the river. While there may have been a certain degree of overlapping, altogether he seems to have claimed a total of about 175,000 acres of land in this area and his filings on the river to have totaled nearly 400,000 miners’ inches of water. During the late 1870’s and early 1880’s, he reportedly spent almost $90,000 trying to bring these lands under cultivation. Although he was not successful, because of his early efforts, when the Palo Verde Valley finally was developed in the early twentieth century, its principal town came to bear Blythe’s name. By that time, however, Riverside County had been formed and the area was no longer part of San Diego County.
After two or three years, the hemp operation failed and most of the company’s shareholders became disillusioned with the venture. But not so Andrade. And not so another shareholder who had later been brought into the company, Thomas H. Blythe. Andrade and Blythe now reached some kind of oral agreement. They not only proposed to keep the venture going but to greatly expand the scope of the whole enterprise. Blythe was to supply the capital. Andrade was to supply his time and effort, his Mexican citizenship, and his not inconsiderable influence with the Mexican government.
As a start, Blythe bought up 90 per cent of the company’s shares, thereby gaining control of the 340,000 acres of land it held. Next, Andrade secured a contract from the Mexican government to build two wagon roads, the money for which was furnished by Blythe. One of the roads ran between Yuma and their company’s headquarters on the lower Colorado, a place called Cuidad Lerdo. The other road ran between the port of San Felipe, on the Gulf of California, and Real del Castillo, then the capital of northern Baja California and the center of gold mining activity. In return for building these roads, Andrade obtained title to approximately 575,000 acres of additional land on the Mexican portion of the delta. One key parcel of land, the Rancho de los Algodones, nearly 48,000 acres lying along the west bank of the Colorado just below the international boundary, was purchased by Blythe from its private owners. Altogether, the two men now held title to virtually the entire Mexican portion of the delta, an unbroken tract of land extending along both sides of the river and stretching from the international line to the Gulf of California.
Next, Blythe and Andrade, along with two prominent Mexican political figures, one of whom, Manuel Romero Rubio, was President Diaz’s father-in-law, formed a second company and acquired title to the islands of Tiburon, San Esteban, and Angel de la Guarda. They also acquired the lands surrounding practically all the feasible port sites in the northern half of the Gulf; obtained concessions for fishing, pearling, etc.; established a steamship line; and secured a franchise and subsidy to build a railroad from the head of the Gulf to connect with the United States. In all, they acquired about one and one-half million acres of land and almost complete control over the entire northern Gulf region.
Blythe’s estate, exclusive of the Mexican holdings, was worth between $2,000,000 and $3,000,000. Although Blythe’s attorney, W. H. H. Hart, claimed that Blythe had made a will, and produced an office copy to prove it, no legally admissible will was ever found. For a man of such wealth to die without leaving a will was bound to bring about extensive litigation; yet no one could have foreseen the legal snarl that actually came to pass. Nearly two hundred aspirant heirs from various parts of the United States and the United Kingdom filed their claims with the San Francisco probate court. It was to take seven years before the court made a preliminary award of the estate; ten more years before that award was conclusively upheld; and an additional thirteen years before law suits emanating from the estate were ultimately settled. Both state and federal courts were used. Some thirty appeals were taken to the California Supreme Court and four appeals reached the U. S. Supreme Court. Blythe’s illegitimate daughter, Florence, the eventual sole successful heir to his estate, spent an estimated one million dollars winning the case. The heiress was living in England and only ten years old when her father died. By the time she collected the inheritance, she had grown up, married, and become a widow. Fortunately, throughout the long hassle the Blythe Block continued to appreciate in value.
There were a number of rather sordid aspects to the struggle for Blythe’s estate. One of the claimants, Nellie Fermin, was an ex-mistress with whom Blythe had had a nasty legal battle, a few years before. Another claimant, Alice Edith Dickason, had been living with Blythe for several years prior to his death. She claimed half the inheritance should come to her as his common-law wife. Unfortunately for her, since she was much younger than Blythe, he had usually introduced her as his niece. Therefore, in the eyes of the law, he was her common-law uncle, not her husband. It also turned out from the various court proceedings that Blythe’s name was actually not Blythe at all, but Thomas Henry Williams.
Hi June,
Here are some headlines and drawings from the Blythe case. Note that in 1894 the final decision was made, only to have it re-opened 7 years later, eighteen years after Mr. Blythe’s death. What a mess. Enjoy. John
I had mentioned in an earlier posting that somebody, somewhere, had written that somebody had thought that the name for Pigeon Point might not originate from the wreck of the Carrier Pigeon on the Point in 1853. Well, I haven’t found the vague, so-called source of my mentioning again, a source which is contrary to all other sources I’ve seen.
Without dismissing the outlier entirely, here is a probable timeline for the evolution of the name, taken from the newspapers of the time. Even more interesting, the seeming point of change to its modern form, Pigeon Point, may have occurred in just one day. To clear up this last sentence I should mention that the papers initially referred to it as Carrier Pigeon Point, and then shortened it to Pigeon Point. Here’s what I found in the Newspaper Archives, all from “The Daily Alta.”
When I used “Pigeon Point,” as a search term in the Newspaper Archive, I got 700 hits. Using the “Advanced Feature,” I restricted the Search from 1849, the earliest issues, to 1857, four years after the wrecking of the Carrier Pigeon. There were a more manageable 15 hits. Of those, the earliest were in 1853, after the Carrier Pigeon ran aground, on June 6th. There was ones on November 23rd and December 10th of that year. Both were in a regular feature called “Shipping Intelligence.” It details the comings and goings of ships, and what and how much they carry, and for and to whom. Both include the term “Carrier Pigeon Point” as a location spot for one ship reporting another ship’s location. That continues in “Shipping Intelligence” reports several times in 1855. On June 11th, there is a “Shipping Intelligence” report that offers both Carrier Pigeon Point and Pigeon Point in different sightings reported.
On the next day, June 12th, 1855 the “Warning To Navigators,” letter you previously posted, was printed in “The Daily Alta.” (Steeple Rock posting) There is never a use of Carrier Pigeon Point again, only Pigeon Point, at least in the old newspapers.
After this evidence, to get me to believe pigeons had anything to do with the Point’s name will take some real good proof. Enjoy. John